Gallery 337: Cool Spray
Keep hydrated, stay cool, refresh!
A wet zentai is the ultimate body cooling machine. The evaporation creates a significant reduction in surface temperature. Water can be added as desired with a spray bottle. It is really very effective!
This idea was on my list for years. Finally I could make it happen (and enjoy the refreshing mist). Forgetful me didn't set the flash sync to second curtain, so in combination with the strangely long burn time (motion blur) of my flashes,
the droplets seem to fly in the "wrong" direction. Definitely one heck of an enjoyable summer photo shooting!
Costume: black Zentai [NA], white Zentai [FetsFash] Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: Flash hard (honeycomb) from top back, flash hard (honeycomb) from bottom left