Gallery 323: CMYK
Color mixing and color spaces are something I have been interested in for a long time. After playing a lot with the colors red-green-blue and trying various combinations with them, the subtractive CMYK
(cyan, magenta, yellow, key (black)) which is used in printing as four-color-process is still missing in the view of classic color mixes.
RGB is used for self-luminous colors (e.g. LEDs, monitors). The combination of all three basic colors results in white / white light. All colors "switched off" is black.
CMYK is used in printing. If one of the basic colors is illuminated with white light, the basic color appears in the reflected light. Unprinted surfaces are white. Mixing all the basic colors (theoretically) results
in black, since all light is absorbed by the colors. To save ink for dark areas, to prevent the paper from becoming wet due to too much ink, and to increase contrast, black is used in addition.
For my spandex combinations, I still like the RGB variations best. What do you think of my CYMK colors?
Costume: Pink shiny Zentai [NA], blue silky Tights [Amoresy], yellow Leotard [Milano], black Tutu, black Gloves Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: Flash with Softbox from front left, flash hard from right