Gallery 316: Blue Shark
I finally got a blue sharkskin zentai suit too! In my 2019 order I had ordered a black and a blue, but the blue fabric was not available. Since ordering from this particular Chinese
manufacturer is complex and time-consuming, I haven't ordered from them in a long time. In my current large order, I was finally able to order the blue suit - and the suit is awesome!
This fabric has something of its own, special, unique. Just like the black version too. Hard to describe. But I love it!
Great that there are always some new fabrics and good tailors who know how to create a perfect suit with it. Even if it is not easy to find them.
Costume: Blue Sharkskin Zentai [康替留zentai] Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: Hard Flash from top left + right