Gallery 311: Apnea
Last year I got my first real freediving wetsuit. Before that I always used triathlon wetsuits or surf suits for freediving. The triathlon suits are good to wear but often too cold,
surf suits are better but often not so flexible. So now a real freediving suit. No open-cell stuff, that's too complicated and too sensitive for me. Nevertheless, I have found a suit with
a shiny outer material and an attractive design. So far I had only a short test swim and am thrilled. Super comfortable to wear, very warm, very flexible. What do you think?
Costume: C4 Carbon Sidéral 5mm wetsuit, Cressi Gara fins and accessories Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: Flash with softbox from front left, hard Flash with blue gel from right